Tolltariff struktur

Oversikten omfatter tolltariffens varenummer og tilhørende varebeskrivelse (vareslag). Tolltariffens vareslag skal ikke brukes som varebeskrivelse i tolldeklarasjonens rubrikk 31.Tolltariffens vareslag skal heller ikke brukes ved avgivelse av annen informasjon til Tolletaten.

The overview includes the Norwegian customs tariff's commodity number and associated item description. The customs tariff description of goods (vareslag) shall not be used as type of goods in box 31 in the customs declaration.

© 2022, World Customs Organization (WCO), all rights reserved
The original version of this publication was originally produced by the WCO in English and French and then translated into Norwegian language by the Norwegian Customs with the WCO's authorization. The WCO is the sole holder of all intellectual property rights on this publication and translation into Norwegian language thereof. Please note that the quality of the translation of this publication into Norwegian language and the consistency of the translation with the official English/French text are the sole responsibility of the Norwegian Customs.

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Additional Info

Theme/subject Fee
Access Rights public
Version 1.5
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Last Updated March 6, 2025, 02:02 (UTC)
Created January 8, 2025, 11:47 (UTC)
Revisjon F5E939D67AA908C05AD24C322006BBDF